Message from our CEO
To all members of our community,
The tragedy in Uvalde, Texas is another horrific reminder of how, once again, innocent lives have been lost to unimaginable violence.
We want you to know that we grieve with the families in Uvalde and Buffalo and all of those in our Chicago neighborhoods who mourn. We commit to supporting you and to supporting our teams who provide compassionate and skillful responses to those who deal with mental illness and distress.
We also know that this is not enough. We need more focused attention to the causes of these events so that we can provide the life-saving measures we are known for.
We want to save lives, not mourn lives lost. But we will do all that we can, wherever possible, to serve all who need solid support, who deserve our very best efforts, in every circumstance.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at (847)933-0051. Or you can reach our Living Room crisis team directly at (847)933-9202, every day. More info here.
Ann Fisher Raney, AM, LCSW
Chief Executive Officer,
Turning Point Behavioral Health Care Center